Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Sri Lanka: A 3-Judge Bench comprising of S. Eva Wanasundera, Vijith K. Malalgoda, PCJ. and H.N.J. Perera, J., upheld

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

United Kingdom Supreme Court: A five-judge bench comprising of Lady Hale, Lord Reed, Lord Kerr, Lord Hodge, and Lord Lloyd-Jones while hearing

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Supreme Court of The United States
Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of The United States: A Nine-Judge Bench comprising of CJ Roberts,  Breyer, Thomas, Ginsburg and Alito, JJ., and for the

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Constitutional Court of South Africa: A Single Judge Bench comprising of Mogoeng, CJ. Dlodlo, Goliath, Petse, AJ, Froneman, Jafta, Khampepe, Madlanga, and

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Constitutional Court of South Africa: A 10-Judge Bench comprising of Zondo, ACJ., Cameron, Froneman, Jafta, Madlanga, Mhlantla, Theron, JJ., Kathree-Setiloane, Kollapen, Zondi,

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Constitutional Court of South Africa: A 10-Judge Bench comprising of CJ Mogoeng and Cachalia, Dlodlo, Goliath, Petse, AJ., Froneman, Jafta, Khampepe, Madlanga,

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Pakistan Supreme Court: The bidders who were successful in winning the bid challenged the impugned order passed by High Court, Lahore before

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Constitutional Court of South Africa: Bench comprising of Cachalia, Dlodlo, Goliath and Petse, AJ., Froneman, Jafta, Khampepe, Madlanga, and Theron, JJ., confirmed

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Eswatini High Court: A Single Judge Bench comprising of T.M. Mlangeni, J., granted an application for rescission of default judgment. This matter

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Court of Appeal of the Democratic Socialist Republic of SriLanka: A Single Judge Bench comprising of M.M.A. Gafoor, J. dismissed an appeal against

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

United Kingdom Supreme Court: The 6-Judge Bench comprising of Lady Hale, President, Lord Kerr, Lord Wilson, Lord Carnwath and Lady Black addressed

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Supreme Court of The United States
Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of United States: In a decision that is being touted as a victory for the supporters of digital privacy, the

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Foreign CourtsNews

As reported by media, the Accountability Court of Pakistan pronounced the verdict against Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif and daughter

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Foreign CourtsNews

High Court of United Kingdom: An enforcement order has been passed favoring the 13 Indian banks and granting permission to the UK High Court

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Canada SC
Case BriefsForeign Courts

‘Sentence must be proportionate to the gravity of the offence and the degree of responsibility of the offender’ Supreme Court of Canada:

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Foreign CourtsNews

US District Court for Northern District of Texas: A federal court presided by Ed Kinkeade, J. halved the amount of USD 500

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

UK Court of Appeal (Civil Division): A Three-Judge Bench comprising of Sir Terence Etherton, Sir Brian Leveson and Lady Justice King, JJ.

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

 Supreme Court of United Kingdom: Lord Kerr, J. delivered the judgment for the Court including himself and Lady Hale, Lord Wilson, Lord

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Canada SC
Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Canada: A nine-Judge Bench sided 7:2 against the Trinity Western University (TWU) and upheld the decision of the Law

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Supreme Court of The United States
Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of The United States: A nine-Judge Bench, by a majority of 5:4, upheld the travel ban on people from five

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