Delhi High Court
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The factum of the recommendation and its acceptance was kept a secret from public and students at large, until the fag end and on the very date the results were declared, it was disclosed to the students. This clearly shows the arbitrariness and lapse on the part of the Board to keep the students in the dark about the weightage formula adopted for preparation of final result.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Parallel inquiries by two different authorities in their respective spheres of adjudication are not uncommon and a slight overlap between the inquiries does not mean that one must lead to the ouster of the other.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

    Delhi High Court: Navin Chawla, J. restrained a website myshoeshop (‘defendant 1') from selling shoes having NB Device mark (‘plaintiff').

Delhi High Court
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    Delhi High Court: In a case filed by a student of class XIIth who is under a dilemma of whether

Delhi High Court
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Delhi High Court: In a case where permanent injunction was sought against use of Royal Champs, a Gwalior Distilleries Private Limited product

Delhi High Court
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Similar cases are an exception to the precedent laid down in Imran v. State of Delhi, (2011) 10 SCC 192

Delhi High Court
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    Delhi High Court: A Division Bench of Satish Chandra Sharma CJ and Subramonium Prasad, J. denied relief seeking Satyendra Jain

Delhi High Court
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    Delhi High Court: In a case where very serious allegations are made and 16 members from the same family are

Delhi High Court
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Delhi High Court: In a case of allegations of rape and sexual assault leveled against the BJP leader Syed Shehanawaz Hussain (‘petitioner’),

Delhi High Court
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It is a strange paradox that the applicant claims he is area in charge of “Aman Committee”, but has not joined investigation of offences which have defeated the very purpose and aim of such committee

Delhi High Court
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The pendency of this petition for the last 12 years could have been avoided. It is another matter though that during this period three Olympic Games have been represented by Indian sportspersons, albeit through a non-compliant IOA.

Delhi High Court
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    Delhi High Court: In a PIL filed seeking to impose a complete ban on flying kites, a Division Bench of

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

It is not only in cases dealing with family disputes that the rights and welfare of the child should be considered but also in the cases as the present one, the courts can become and act as the parent of the child and ensure that the child is not deprived of its Fundamental Right to Education.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Delhi High Court: Flipkart (‘defendant’) was sued by V Traditions (‘plaintiff’) for infringing its mark by allowing third party sellers to latch

Delhi High Court
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Delhi High Court: In a case relating to two marks being ‘Theobroma’ (‘defendant’) and Theos (‘plaintiff’), based out of Bombay and Delhi

Delhi High Court
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Delhi High Court: In a case of an FIR registered by a woman (‘respondent 2′) alleging rape charges under the influence of

Delhi High Court
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Delhi High Court: Mini Pushkarna, J. granted ad interim injunction against Pawan Khera and others (‘defendants’) who allegedly organized a Press Conference

Delhi High Court
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Delhi High Court: Asha Menon, J. denied relief sought by ‘TV Today Network’ ‘plaintiff ‘on allegations of copyright infringement, defamation and commercial

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

    Delhi High Court: C Hari Shankar, J. opined that Section 5 of the Limitation Act, 1963 will apply in respect