Tribunals/Commissions/Regulatory Bodies

National Green Tribunal (NGT): NGT has directed Delhi Tourism and Transportation Corporation (DTTC) to get an environmental clearance for the under construction

Tribunals/Commissions/Regulatory Bodies

Central Information Commission (CIC): While coming down heavily upon Ministry of Environment and Forests for rendering “false and misleading” information in response

Tribunals/Commissions/Regulatory Bodies

National Green Tribunal (NGT): Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has been directed by NGT to expeditiously remove all the debris dumped including embankments constructed

Tribunals/Commissions/Regulatory Bodies

National Green Tribunal (NGT): NGT has allowed a petition filed by Nirma Ltd. challenging the order of Ministry of Environment and Forests

Tribunals/Commissions/Regulatory Bodies

National Green Tribunal (NGT): While applying “polluter pays principle”, NGT imposed a penalty of Rs. 5 Crores upon Simbhaoli Sugar Mills and

Tribunals/Commissions/Regulatory Bodies

National Green Tribunal: While deprecating the highhanded activities of erring officials of the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC), RTO, Tehasildar and