Case BriefsHigh Courts

Bombay High Court: A.K. Menon, J., addressed a matter wherein an arrangement was executed between the parties for taking care of the

Case BriefsHigh Courts

Bombay High Court: A Division Bench of R.D. Dhanuka and V.G. Bisht, JJ., dismissed “Emami’s” appeal against the ad-interim order passed by the

Case BriefsCOVID 19High Courts

Andhra Pradesh High Court, Amravati: J.K. Maheshwari, CJ while providing an ad interim relief directed the State Authorities to permit vehicles transporting fishes

Case BriefsCOVID 19High Courts

Bombay High Court: K.K. Tated, J., granted ad interim relief to Rural Fairprice Wholesale Ltd. from selling the pledged equity shares as the