Saket Court
Case BriefsDistrict Court

In a case pertaining to Criminal breach of trust, cheating, forgery, and falsification of accounts, the Saket District Court acquits the accused, as the prosecution failed to establish the ingredients of the offences beyond reasonable doubt.

Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court in a case pertaining to allegations of cheating and criminal breach of trust, held that the accused is entitled for anticipatory bail, and directed the Investigating Agency to follow the procedure prescribed under CrPC for investigation against the disabled person

Case BriefsHigh Courts

There should be no scope for the declarant to escape on the technical grounds from responsibility attached to the statement made by him in the affidavit. Unless those compliances, referred to in paragraphs 5 and 8 of chapter VII of the Criminal Manual are complied with, it will be difficult to hold the person making a declaration on oath responsible for the statement made on an oath.

Saket Court
Case BriefsDistrict Court

Saket Courts, New Delhi: Sonu Agnihotri, Additional Sessions Judge – 03, addressed a matter, wherein a wife using improper means procured the

Case BriefsSupreme Court

“The exercise of inherent power of the High Court is an extraordinary power which has to be exercised with great care and circumspection before embarking to scrutinise the complaint/FIR/charge-sheet in deciding whether the case is the rarest of rare case, to scuttle the prosecution at its inception.”

Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka: A Full Bench of Buwaneka Aluwihare PC, Preethi Padman Surasena and E.

Tripura High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Tripura High Court: Recently, the Court decided an appeal against the acquittal by a Sessions Court in Tripura which had set aside the