Law School NewsLive Blogging

  Welcome to the 13th National Moot Court Competition Live Blog DAY 3: 12th February 2023   10.42 A.M – Khushi, the

Know thy Judge

After an extensive tenure of 6 years, Justice S. Abdul Nazeer retires today. During this time, Justice Nazeer had been a part of some path-breaking decisions such as- Right to Privacy, Triple Talaq, Ayodhya verdict etc. Justice Nazeer has also been the part of the Constitution Bench which decided upon the validity of Central Govt’s 2016 Demonetisation Scheme.

United States Court of Appeals (Seventh Circuit)
Case BriefsForeign Courts

The court has reversed the US District Court order that had barred the enforcement of a law passed by Southern District of Indiana, requiring the medical providers to dispose of foetal remains via burial or cremation instead of as “medical waste” stating that the law violated the First Amendment.

Op EdsOP. ED.

by Ishan Chauhan† and Harshdeep Singh††

Law School NewsOthers

    Gujarat National Law University is organizing the 2nd Edition of GNLU International Conference on Business, Law and Public Policy (GICBLP)

Call For PapersLaw School News

    Centre for Law and Agriculture, National University of Advanced Legal Studies(NUALS), Kochi is seeking contributions by way of call of

Law School NewsOthers

About the Event ILM Law School, Gurugram is pleased to announce the “Youth Parliament Competition 2022” to be held on 10th -11th

Bombay High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

    Bombay High Court: The issue before the Court in the instant matter was that between a secured creditor (defined in

Conference/Seminars/LecturesLaw School News

Reported by Dikshi Arora

Law School NewsOthers

Reported by Dikshi Arora

Kerala High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The speed limits on most of our roads are in the vicinity of 70 to 90 km. But many of them cannot even handle traffic that moves over 20 or 30 km. This is compounded when it rains and when the potholes are not visible, as in the case of the hapless victim we are dealing with.”

Case BriefsHigh Courts

Gauhati High Court: The single Bench of Michael Zothankhuma, J., disposed of the writ petition and held that a cousin cannot be

Privacy & Technology Law

Interviewed by Nisha Gupta

OP. ED.SCC Journal Section Archives

by Raghav Seth†

Op EdsOP. ED.

by Aarushi Jain† and Yojit Pareek††


Interviewed by Aditi Sharma


Inerviewed by Nisha Gupta

Call For PapersLaw School News

The Board of Editors of Trade, Law and Development is pleased to invite original, unpublished manuscripts for publication in the Winter ’22

Kerala High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Life inside a human embryo remains frozen, awaiting its opportunity to be born as a child to its parents”

Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Implicit in this shift is the understanding that the criminal is not a product of only their own decisions, but also a product of the state and society’s failing, which is what entitles the accused to a chance of reformation.”