Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court: In a case where the order of conviction and sentence was passed on the same day, the 3-judge bench of

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Supreme Court:  A 3-judge bench of Arun Mishra, Vineet Saran, and MR Shah, JJ has commuted the death sentence of a convict,

Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court: Noticing that where death sentence could be one of the alternative punishments, the courts must be completely vigilant and see

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Supreme Court: A bench headed by Justice N V Ramana has declined to entertain a plea of P Rajagopal, the founder of

Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court: The 3-judge bench of NV Ramana, MM Shantanagoudar and Indira Banerjee, JJ has upheld the conviction and sentence of life

Supreme Court

Supreme Court: Modifying the order dated 09.07.2014 where the State Governments were restrained from exercising their powers of remission and commutation of