Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Supreme Court observed that the scope of interference in an appeal against acquittal is limited and that the Madras High Court ‘could not have interfered with the finding of acquittal recorded by the learned Trial Court.

2022 SCC Vol. 10 Part 1
Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

    Commercial Courts Act, 2015 — S. 12-A — Rejection of plaint for non-compliance with S. 12-A i.e. in cases where

Case BriefsSupreme Court

    Supreme Court: In an appeal against a judgment passed by the Calcutta High Court dismissing the Criminal Revision Application filed

Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Quashing of a complaint is a serious matter. Complaint cannot be quashed for the asking. For quashing of a complaint, it must be shown that no offence is made out at all against the Director or Partner.”

OpEd by Soumyaa Sharma
Op EdsOP. ED.

by Soumyaa Sharma†