Case BriefsSupreme Court

“When the legislature acts within its power to usher in a valid law and rectify a legal error, even after a court ruling, the legislature exercises its constitutional power to enact the law and does not overrule an earlier court decision.”

Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court: The bench of MR Shah* and BV Nagarathna, JJ has held that as per Rule 16 of the Andhra Pradesh

Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court: In the case where the Court was posed with the question as to whether the degrees obtained by the respective

Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court: The bench of Indidra Banerjee and JK Maheshwari*, JJ the interchangeability of the vacant unfilled posts of SC category may

Case BriefsHigh Courts

Madras High Court: P. Velmurugan, J., directs Schools to keep a complaint box to make the victims complain about the sexual assault

Case BriefsHigh Courts

Himachal Pradesh High Court: A Division Bench of Tarlok Singh Chauhan and Bhusan Barowalia JJ. dismissed the petition refusing to interfere with

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UGC issues notice that no employing Higher Educational Institutions shall keep in their possession any teacher’s original academic certificates/documents which is akin

Case BriefsCOVID 19High Courts

Madras High Court: R. Mahadevan, J., while addressing the issue of Government stalling collection of fees, held that, Federation of Association of Private

Case BriefsHigh Courts

Rajasthan High Court: Arun Bhansali J., disposed of a writ petition filed by the petitioner requesting to make pay fixation of the

Case BriefsHigh Courts

Bombay High Court: A Bench of R.K. Deshpande and S.M. Modak, JJ., dismissed a bunch of petitions filed by various aided colleges and

Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court: The Bench of Abhay Manohar Sapre and Indu Malhotra, JJ has held that pendency of any writ petition by itself

Case BriefsHigh Courts

Allahabad High Court: The Single Judge Bench of Ashwani Kumar Mishra, J. allowed a writ appeal and directed the respondents to allow